Sunday 5 December 2010

We Want Fun

Lack of posting, Thomas Street internet is down.

This however is my favorite bit of a flash sheet I just finished. Myself, Lee, Brad and Neill have all re-done some flash from the "Military Tattoo Flash" book, Lee picked pages for us at random, bit of a shop project.

Spider Webb Re-do

I think I got a pretty good page. Not my usual style but I love traditional, you could say I smoked some Krak while painting this. I am a big fan of Smith St. especially Bert Krak and Daniel Santoro, this was painted with respect to all parties that influenced me. I'll post up everyones finished work when they're all done and the internet is working again. This project had been great fun but I don't think I'll be whip shading everything from now on, I still prefer my stupid shit.

Now that I've justified ripping people off, on the 16th of December running to the 18th in the Milgi, Cardiff I will hopefully have a pianting showing as part of an exhibition thanks to Designer Violence. There's also live art from the likes of God Machine, stalls and other arty stuff going on. Something for everyones taste, definitely worth a look.

Milgi Xmas Designer Violence

The same weekend but for one night only, LePubs 2010 "Stars in their eyes" charity event. A night of cover bands, £5 on the door and the winning band gets to nominate a charity of their choice. Come show some love.

Stars in their eyes 2010

Thank you as always for reading.

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